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| Happy Mother's Day
Halooooooooooooo! Hari ini hari ibu utk Indonesia. Jadi.
Selamat hari ibu utk umiku tercinta :D
Mother. Even only its word has a special place in my heart, in my life. A mother is someone who always be there for me. A mother is someone who always loves me no matter what I choose to be in this life. A mother is someone who will give whatever it takes to make her children happy. No doubt, a mother is the angel above the angel. Even these words can't explain how much love I have for her. I'm having a lot of trouble in my life and I don't know what can I do without her by my side.
Aku anak terakhir di keluarga ini & bener anak terakhir itu plg banyak maunya. Aku selalu minta ini itu sama umi. Minta dibeliin inilah itulah, tapi selalu dikasih sama umi.
Gak ada ibu yg mau menjerumuskan anaknya ke jalan yg salah. Buktinya waktu kenaikan kelas kemarin umi maksa aku utk masuk ipa & bukan masuk ips, dia pingin banget punya anak yg bisa masuk jurusan ipa. Aku gak mau, bahkan aku waktu itu udh nekat lgsg ke kepala sekolah utk minta surat pindah jurusan. Tapi, umi cuma minta itu kenapa gak bisa aku wujudkan? Aku masuk ke jurusan ini juga krn guru2 sekolah pikir aku cocoknya di jurusan ini. Umi cuma minta itu. That's why I fulfil her dream. Aku masuklah ke jurusan ini dengan modal nekat&semangat. Dan sekarang, aku seneng bgt bisa masuk sini & mungkin kalo aku gk di jurusan ini aku bakal nyesel smp mati. Mom's choice is always for my best.
Umi, aku emg anaknya susah diatur. Selalu minta ini itu. Gak ada yg bisa diharepin dari aku. Aku males, kerjaan aku cm main internet terus & jarang bantu umi dirumah. Umi juga pasti kadang2 jengkel sm aku. Umi pasti kesel punya anak yg cuma bisanya santai2 doang. But Umi, believe it that behind these annoying habits I have, I have this eternity love for you. No one will ever replace you. I'll never love anyone as much as I love you. You say, you're proud enough to have a daughter like me. You said, you were very happy & proud to have a daughter who study in science class. You said, you're okay with the way I am now. But, believe me miih, one day I'll be the girl who makes you proud. One day you'll be proud for giving birth to me. Thank you for always being there, when I'm sad and when I'm happy. You're the best mother for me. Even my love for you is more than just to the moon and back <3
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